Meaning of WORM in English


Function: intransitive verb

Date: 1610

: to move or proceed sinuously or insidiously

transitive verb

1 a : to proceed or make (one's way) insidiously or deviously < worm their way into positions of power ― Bill Franzen> b : to insinuate or introduce (oneself) by devious or subtle means c : to cause to move or proceed in or as if in the manner of a worm

2 : to wind rope or yarn spirally round and between the strands of (a cable or rope) before serving

3 : to obtain or extract by artful or insidious questioning or by pleading, asking, or persuading ― usually used with out of <finally worm ed the truth out of him>

4 : to treat (an animal) with a drug to destroy or expel parasitic worms

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.