Meaning of ACADEMIC in English

[ac.a.dem.ic] n (1587) 1: a member of an institution of learning

2: one who is academic in background, outlook, or methods 3 pl: academic subjects

[2]academic also adj (1588) 1 a: of, relating to, or associated with an academy or school esp. of higher learning b: of or relating to performance in academic courses "~ excellence" c: very learned but inexperienced in practical matters "~ thinkers" d: based on formal study esp. at an institution of higher learning

2: of or relating to literary or artistic rather than technical or professional studies 3 a: theoretical, speculative "an ~ question" b: having no practical or useful significance

4: conforming to the traditions or rules of a school (as of literature or art) or an official academy: conventional -- adv

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