Meaning of ALL in English

[all] adj [ME all, al, fr. OE eall; akin to OHG all all] (bef. 12c) 1 a: the whole amount or quantity of "needed ~ the courage they had" "sat up ~ night" b: as much as possible "spoke in ~ seriousness"

2: every member or individual component of "~ men will go" "~ five children were present"

3: the whole number or sum of "~ the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles"

4: every "~ manner of hardship"

5: any whatever "beyond ~ doubt"

6: nothing but: only: a: completely taken up with, given to, or absorbed by "became ~ attention" b: having or seeming to have (some physical feature) in conspicuous excess or prominence "~ legs" c: paying full attention with "~ ears"

7. dial: used up: entirely consumed--used esp. of food and drink 8: being more than one person or thing "who ~ is coming" syn see whole -- all the : as much of... as: as much of a... as "all the home I ever had"

[2]all adv (bef. 12c) 1 a: wholly, quite "sat ~ alone"--often used as an intensive "~ out of proportion" "~ over the yard" b: selected as the best (as at a sport) within an area or organization--used in combination "all-league halfback"

2. obs: only, exclusively 3 archaic: just

4: so much "~ the better for it"

5: for each side: apiece "the score is two ~" [3]all pron (bef. 12c) 1: the whole number, quantity, or amount: totality "~ that I have" "~ of us" "~ of the books"

2: everybody, everything "gave equal attention to ~" "that is ~" -- all in all : on the whole: generally "all in all, things might have been worse" -- and all : and everything else esp. of a kind suggested by a previous context "cards to fill out with... numbers and all --Sally Quinn" [4]all n (1593): the whole of one's possessions, resources, or energy "gave his ~ for the cause"

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