Meaning of ANIMATE in English

[an.i.mate] adj [ME, fr. L animatus, pp. of animare to give life to, fr. anima breath, soul; akin to OE othian to breathe, L animus spirit, Gk anemos wind, Skt aniti he breathes] (15c) 1: possessing or characterized by life: alive

2: full of life: animated

3: of or relating to animal life as opposed to plant life

4: referring to a living thing "an ~ noun" -- adv -- an.i.mate.ness n

[2]an.i.mate vt -mat.ed ; (15c) 1: to give spirit and support to: encourage

2. a: to give life to b: to give vigor and zest to

3: to move to action

4. a: to make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous lifelike movement b: to produce in the form of an animated cartoon syn see quicken

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