Meaning of ARRANGE in English

[ar.range] vb -ranged ; [ME arangen, fr. MF arangier, fr. OF, fr. a- + rengier to set in a row, fr. reng row--more at rank] vt (1789) 1: to make preparations for: plan "arranged a reception for the visitor"

2: to put into a proper order or into a correct or suitable sequence, relationship, or adjustment "~ flowers in a vase" "~ cards alphabetically" 3 a: to adapt (a musical composition) by scoring for voices or instruments other than those for which orig. written b: orchestrate

4: to bring about an agreement or understanding concerning: settle "~ an exchange of war prisoners" ~ vi 1: to bring about an agreement or understanding "arranged to have a table at the restaurant"

2: to make preparations: plan "arranged for a vacation with his family" syn see order -- n

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