[ar.tic.u.late] adj [L articulatus jointed, pp. of articulare, fr. articulus] (1586) 1 a: divided into syllables or words meaningfully arranged: intelligible b: able to speak c: expressing oneself readily, clearly, or effectively; also: expressed in this manner
2. a: consisting of segments united by joints: jointed "~ animals" b: distinctly marked off -- ar.tic.u.late.ly adv -- ar.tic.u.late.ness n
[2]ar.tic.u.late vb -lat.ed ; -lat.ing vt (1594) 1 a: to utter distinctly "articulating each note in the musical phrase" b: to give clear and effective utterance to: put into words "~ one's grievances" c: to give definition to (as a shape or object) "shades of gray were chosen to ~ different spaces --Carol Vogel"
2. a: to unite by means of a joint: joint b: to form or fit into a systematic whole "articulating a program for all school grades" ~ vi 1: to utter articulate sounds
2: to become united or connected by or as if by a joint -- ar.tic.u.la.tive adj -- ar.tic.u.la.tor n