[bat.ten] vb bat.tened ; bat.ten.ing [prob. fr. ON batna to improve; akin to OE betera better] vi (1591) 1 a: to grow fat b: to feed gluttonously
2: to grow prosperous esp. at the expense of another--usu. used with on ~ vt: fatten
[2]batten n [alter. of ME batent, bataunt finished board, fr. MF batant, fr. prp. of battre] (1658) 1 a Brit: a piece of lumber used esp. for flooring b: a thin narrow strip of lumber used esp. to seal or reinforce a joint
2: a strip, bar, or support resembling or used similarly to a batten [3]batten vb bat.tened ; bat.ten.ing vt (1663) 1: to furnish with battens
2: to fasten with or as if with battens--often used with down ~ vi: to make one secure by or as if by battens "~ing down for the hurricane"