[be-] prefix [ME, fr. OE bi-, be-; akin to OE bi by, near--more at by] 1: on: around: over "bedaub" "besmear"
2: to a great or greater degree: thoroughly "befuddle" "berate"
3: excessively: ostentatiously--in intensive verbs formed from simple verbs "bedeck" and in adjectives based on adjectives ending in -ed "beribboned"
4: about: to: at: upon: against: across "bestride" "bespeak"
5: make: cause to be: treat as "belittle" "befool" "befriend"
6: call or dub esp. excessively "bedoctor" 7: affect, afflict, treat, provide, or cover with esp. excessively "bedevil" "befog"