[bet.ter] adj, comparative of good [ME bettre, fr. OE betera; akin to OE bot remedy, Skt bhadra fortunate] (bef. 12c) 1: greater than half
2: improved in health or mental attitude
3: more attractive, favorable, or commendable
4: more advantageous or effective
5: improved in accuracy or performance
[2]better vt (bef. 12c) 1: to make better: as a: to make more tolerable or acceptable "trying to ~ the lot of slum dwellers" b: to make more complete or perfect "looked forward to ~ing her acquaintance with the new neighbors"
2: to surpass in excellence: excel ~ vi: to become better syn see improve [3]better adv, comparative of well (12c) 1 a: in a more excellent manner b: to greater advantage: preferably "some things are ~ left unsaid"
2. a: to a higher or greater degree "he knows the story ~ than you do" b: more "it is ~ than nine miles to the next town" [4]better n (12c) 1 a: something better b: a superior esp. in merit or rank
2: advantage, victory "get the ~ of him" [5]better verbal auxiliary (1831): had better "you ~ hurry"