Meaning of BINARY in English

[] n, pl -ries (15c): something made of or based on two things or parts: as a: binary star b: a binary number system

[2]binary adj [LL binarius, fr. L bini] (1597) 1: compounded or consisting of or marked by two things or parts

2. a: duple--used of measure or rhythm b: having two musical subjects or two complementary sections 3 a: relating to, being, or belonging to a system of numbers having

2. as its base "the ~ digits 0 and 1" b: involving a choice or condition of two alternatives (as on-off or yes-no)

4. a: composed of two chemical elements, an element and a radical that acts as an element, or two such radicals b: utilizing two harmless ingredients that upon combining form a lethal substance (as a gas) "~ weapon"

5: relating two logical or mathematical elements "~ operation"

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