[broach] n [ME broche, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL brocca, fr. L, fem. of broccus projecting] (13c) 1: brooch
2: any of various pointed or tapered tools, implements, or parts: as a: a spit for roasting meat b: a tool for tapping casks c: a cutting tool for removing material from metal or plastic to shape an outside surface or a hole
[2]broach vt (15c) 1 a: to pierce (as a cask) in order to draw the contents; also: to open for the first time b: to open up or break into (as a mine or stores)
2: to shape or enlarge (a hole) with a broach 3 a: to make known for the first time b: to open up (a subject) for discussion ~ vi: to break the surface from below syn see express -- broach.er n [3]broach vi [perh. fr.
[2]broach] (1705): to veer or yaw dangerously so as to lie broadside to the waves--often used with to