[broad.side] n (1575) 1 a (1): a sizable sheet of paper printed on one side (2): a sheet printed on one or both sides and folded b: something (as a ballad) printed on a broadside
2. archaic: the side of a ship above the waterline 3 a: all the guns on one side of a ship; also: their simultaneous discharge b: a volley of abuse or denunciation
4: a broad or unbroken surface
[2]broadside adj (1646): directed or placed broadside "a ~ attack" [3]broadside adv (1870) 1 a: with the side forward or toward a given point: sideways "turned ~" b: directly from the side "the car was hit ~"
2: in one volley
3: at random [4]broadside vt (1981): to hit broadside "the car was broadsided"