Meaning of BROWSE in English

[browse] vb browsed ; vt (15c) 1 a: to consume as browse b: graze

2: to look over casually: skim ~ vi 1 a: to feed on or as if on browse b: graze

2. a: to skim through a book reading at random passages that catch the eye b: to look over or through an aggregate of things casually esp. in search of something of interest -- n

[2]browse n [prob. modif. of MF brouts, pl. of brout sprout, fr. OF brost, of Gmc origin; akin to OS brustian to sprout, and perh. to OE breost breast] (1523) 1: tender shoots, twigs, and leaves of trees and shrubs used by animals for food

2: an act or instance of browsing

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