Meaning of BURLESQUE in English

[bur.lesque] n [burlesque, adj., comic, droll, fr. F, fr. It burlesco, fr. burla joke, fr. Sp] (1667) 1: a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or comic imitation

2: mockery usu. by caricature

3: theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts syn see caricature -- burlesque adj -- bur.lesque.ly adv

[2]burlesque vb bur.lesqued ; bur.lesqu.ing vt (1676): to imitate in a humorous or derisive manner: mock ~ vi: to employ burlesque -- bur.lesqu.er n

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