[can.dy] n, pl candies [ME sugre candy, part trans. of MF sucre candi, part trans. of OIt zucchero candi, fr. zucchero sugar + Ar qandi candied, fr. qand cane sugar] (15c) 1: crystallized sugar formed by boiling down sugar syrup
2. a: a confection made with sugar and often flavoring and filling b: a piece of such confection -- candy adj
[2]candy vb can.died ; can.dy.ing vt (1533) 1: to encrust in or coat with sugar; specif: to cook (as fruit or fruit peel) in a heavy syrup until glazed
2: to make attractive: sweeten
3: to crystallize into sugar ~ vi: to become coated or encrusted with sugar crystals: become crystallized into sugar