[ca.reen] vb [fr. carine side of a ship, fr. MF, submerged part of a hull, fr. L carina hull, half of a nutshell; perh. akin to Gk karyon nut] vt (1600) 1 a: to cause (a boat) to lean over on one side b: to clean, caulk, or repair (a boat) in this position
2: to cause to heel over ~ vi 1 a: to careen a boat b: to undergo this process
2: to heel over
3: to sway from side to side: lurch "a ~ing carriage being pulled wildly along a street by a team of runaway horses --J. P. Getty"
4: career
[2]careen n (1712) archaic: the act or process of careening: the state of being careened