Meaning of CAROL in English

[car.ol] n [ME carole, fr. MF, modif. of LL choraula choral song, fr. L, choral accompanist, fr. Gk choraules, fr. choros chorus + aulein to play a reed instrument, fr. aulos, a reed instrument--more at alveolus] (14c) 1: an old round dance with singing

2: a song of joy or mirth "the ~ of a bird --Lord Byron"

3: a popular song or ballad of religious joy

[2]carol vb -oled or -olled ; or -ol.ling vi (14c) 1: to sing esp. in a joyful manner

2: to sing carols; specif: to go about outdoors in a group singing Christmas carols ~ vt 1: to praise in or as if in song

2: to sing esp. in a cheerful manner: warble -- or car.ol.ler n

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