[cat.a.log] or cat.a.logue n [ME cateloge, fr. MF catalogue, fr. LL catalogus, fr. Gk katalogos, fr. katalegein to list, enumerate, fr. kata- + legein to gather, speak--more at legend] (15c) 1: list, register
2. a: a complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptive details b: a pamphlet or book that contains such a list c: material in such a list
[2]catalog or catalogue vb -loged or -logued ; -log.ing or -logu.ing vt (1598) 1: to make a catalog of
2. a: to enter in a catalog b: to classify (as books or information) descriptively ~ vi 1: to make or work on a catalog
2: to become listed in a catalog at a specified price "this stamp ~s at $2" -- cat.a.log.er or cat.a.logu.er n