[cel.e.brate] vb -brat.ed ; -brat.ing [L celebratus, pp. of celebrare to frequent, celebrate, fr. celebr-, celeber much frequented, famous; perh. akin to L celer] vt (15c) 1: to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites "~ the mass"
2. a: to honor (as a holiday) by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business b: to mark (as an anniversary) by festivities or other deviation from routine
3: to hold up or play up for public notice "her poetry ~s the glory of nature" ~ vi 1: to observe a holiday, perform a religious ceremony, or take part in a festival
2: to observe a notable occasion with festivities syn see keep -- cel.e.bra.tion n -- cel.e.bra.tor n -- cel.e.bra.to.ry adj