Meaning of CHAFE in English

[chafe] vb chafed ; [ME chaufen to warm, fr. MF chaufer, fr. (assumed) VL calfare, alter. of L calefacere, fr. calere to be warm + facere to make--more at lee, do] vt (14c) 1: irritate, vex

2: to warm by rubbing esp. with the hands 3 a: to rub so as to wear away: abrade "the boat chafed its sides against the dock" b: to make sore by or as if by rubbing ~ vi 1: to feel irritation or discontent: fret "~s at his restrictive desk job"

2: to rub and thereby cause wear or irritation

[2]chafe n (1551) 1: a state of vexation: rage

2: injury or wear caused by friction; also: friction, rubbing

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