[chis.el] n [ME, fr. ONF, fr. (assumed) VL cisellum, alter. of caesellum, fr. L caesus, pp. of caedere to cut] (14c): a metal tool with a sharpened edge at one end used to chip, carve, or cut into a solid material (as wood, stone, or metal)
[2]chisel vb -eled or -elled ; -el.ing or -el.ling vt (1509) 1: to cut or work with or as if with a chisel
2: to employ shrewd or unfair practices on in order to obtain one's end; also: to obtain by such practices "~ a job" ~ vi 1: to work with or as if with a chisel
2. a: to employ shrewd or unfair practices b: to thrust oneself: intrude "~ in on a racket" -- chis.el.er or chis.el.ler n