[chum] n [perh. by shortening & alter. fr. chamber fellow roommate] (1684): a close friend: pal -- chum.ship n
[2]chum vi chummed ; chum.ming (1730) 1: to room together
2. a: to be a close friend b: to show affable friendliness [3]chum n [origin unknown] (1857): animal or vegetable matter (as chopped fish or corn) thrown overboard to attract fish [4]chum vb chummed ; chum.ming vt (1857): to attract with chum "chumming the fish with cut-up shrimp" ~ vi: to throw chum overboard to attract fish [5]chum n [Chinook Jargon cem spotted, striped, fr. Lower Chinook cem variegated] (1902): chum salmon