[clog] n [ME clogge short thick piece of wood] (14c) 1 a: a weight attached esp. to an animal to hinder motion b: something that shackles or impedes: encumbrance 1
2: a shoe, sandal, or overshoe having a thick typically wooden sole
[2]clog vb clogged ; clog.ging vt (1526) 1 a: to impede with a clog: hinder b: to halt or retard the progress, operation, or growth of: encumber "restraints that have been clogging the market --T. W. Arnold"
2: to fill beyond capacity: overload "cars clogged the main street" "a speech clogged with cliches" ~ vi 1: to become filled with extraneous matter
2: to unite in a mass: clot
3: to dance a clog dance syn see hamper -- clog.ger n