[co-] prefix [ME, fr. L, fr. com-; akin to OE ge-, perfective and collective prefix, OIr com- with] 1: with: together: joint: jointly "coexist" "coheir"
2: in or to the same degree "coextensive" 3 a: one that is associated in an action with another: fellow: partner "coauthor" "coworker" b: having a usu. lesser share in duty or responsibility: alternate: deputy "copilot"
4: of, relating to, or constituting the complement of an angle "cosine" "codeclination"co.act co.ac.tive co.ac.tor co.ad.min.is.tra.tion co.an.chor co.au.thor co.au.thor.ship co.cap.tain co.cat.a.lyst co.chair co.chair.man co.chair.per.son co.chair.wom.an co.cham.pi.on co.com.pos.er co.con.spir.a.tor co.coun.sel co.cre.ate co.cre.ator co.cul.ti.vate co.cul.ti.va.tion co.cul.ture co.cu.ra.tor co.de.fen.dant co.de.sign co.de.vel.op co.de.vel.op.er co.di.rect co.di.rec.tion co.di.rec.tor co.dis.cov.er co.dis.cov.er.er co.drive co.driv.er co.ed.it co.ed.i.tor co.eter.nal co.ex.ec.u.tor co.fa.vor.ite co.fea.ture co.fi.nance co.found co.found.er co.head co.heir co.heir.ess co.hold.er co.host co.host.ess co.in.vent co.in.ven.tor co.in.ves.ti.ga.tor co.in.ves.tor co.join co.lead co.lead.er co.man.age co.man.age.ment co.man.ag.er co.mem.ber co.nom.i.nee co-oc.cur co-oc.cur.rence co-oc.cur.rent co-of.fi.cial co-or.ga.niz.er co-own co-own.er co-own.er.ship co.part.ner co.part.ner.ship co.pre.sent co.pres.i.dent co.prince co.prin.ci.pal co.pris.on.er co.pro.cess.ing co.pro.duce co.pro.duc.er co.pro.duc.tion co.pro.mot.er co.pro.pri.etor co.pros.per.i.ty co.pub.lish co.pub.lish.er co.re.cip.i.ent co.re.search.er co.res.i.dent co.res.i.dent.tial co.rul.er co.script co.spon.sor co.spon.sor.ship co.star co.sur.fac.tant co.ten.ant co.trans.duce co.trans.duc.tion co.trans.fer co.trans.port co.trust.ee co.win.ner co.work.er co.write