Meaning of COAST in English

[coast] n [ME cost, fr. MF coste, fr. L costa rib, side; akin to OCS kosti bone] (14c) 1: the land near a shore: seashore

2. obs: border, frontier 3 a: a hill or slope suited to coasting b: a slide down a slope (as on a sled)

4. often cap: the Pacific coast of the U.S.

5: the immediate area of view--used in the phrase the coast is clear -- adj -- coast.wise adv or adj -- from coast to coast : across an entire nation or continent

[2]coast vt (14c) 1 obs: to move along or past the side of: skirt

2: to sail along the shore of ~ vi 1 a archaic: to travel on land along a coast or along or past the side of something b: to sail along the shore

2. a: to slide, run, or glide downhill by the force of gravity b: to move along without or as if without further application of propulsive power (as by momentum or gravity) c: to proceed easily without special application of effort or concern "~ed through school"

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