[com.bine] vb com.bined ; com.bin.ing [ME, fr. MF combiner, fr. LL combinare, fr. L com- + bini two by two--more at bin-] vt (15c) 1 a: to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters: merge b: to cause to unite into a chemical compound c: to unite into a single number or expression "~ fractions and simplify"
2: intermix, blend
3: to possess in combination ~ vi 1 a: to become one b: to unite to form a chemical compound
2: to act together syn see join -- com.bin.able adj -- com.bin.er n
[2]com.bine n (1886) 1: a combination esp. of business or political interests
2: a harvesting machine that heads, threshes, and cleans grain while moving over a field [3]com.bine vb com.bined ; com.bin.ing vt (1926): to harvest with a combine ~ vi: to combine a crop