Meaning of COMMUNE in English

[com.mune] vb com.muned ; [ME, to converse, administer Communion, fr. MF comunier to converse, administer or receive Communion, fr. LL communicare, fr. L] vt (15c) obs: talk over, discuss "have more to ~ --Shak." ~ vi 1: to receive Communion

2: to communicate intimately "~ with nature"

[2]com.mune n [F, alter. of MF comugne, fr. ML communia, fr. L, neut. pl. of communis] (1673) 1: the smallest administrative district of many countries esp. in Europe

2: commonalty 1a

3: community: as a: a medieval usu. municipal corporation b (1): mir (2): an often rural community organized on a communal basis

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