Meaning of CONCLUDE in English

[con.clude] vb con.clud.ed ; [ME, fr. L concludere to shut up, end, infer, fr. com- + claudere to shut--more at close] vt (14c) 1 obs: to shut up: enclose

2: to bring to an end esp. in a particular way or with a particular action "~ a meeting with a prayer" 3 a: to reach as a logically necessary end by reasoning: infer on the basis of evidence "concluded that her argument was sound" b: to make a decision about: decide "concluded he would wait a little longer" c: to come to an agreement on: effect "~ a sale"

4: to bring about as a result: complete ~ vi 1: end

2. a: to form a final judgment b: to reach a decision or agreement syn see close, infer -- n

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