[con.fess] vb [ME, fr. MF confesser, fr. OF, fr. confes having confessed, fr. L confessus, pp. of confiteri to confess, fr. com- + fateri to confess; akin to L fari to speak--more at ban] vt (14c) 1: to tell or make known (as something wrong or damaging to oneself): admit
2. a: to acknowledge (sin) to God or to a priest b: to receive the confession of (a penitent)
3: to declare faith in or adherence to: profess
4: to give evidence of ~ vi 1 a: to disclose one's faults; specif: to unburden one's sins or the state of one's conscience to God or to a priest b: to hear a confession
2: admit, own syn see acknowledge -- con.fess.able adj