[con.so.nant] adj [MF, fr. L consonant-, consonans, prp. of consonare to sound together, agree, fr. com- + sonare to sound--more at sound] (15c) 1: being in agreement or harmony: free from elements making for discord
2: marked by musical consonances
3: having similar sounds "~ words"
4: relating to or exhibiting consonance: resonant -- con.so.nant.ly adv
[2]consonant n [ME, fr. L consonant-, consonans, fr. prp. of consonare] (14c): one of a class of speech sounds (as /p/, /g/, /n/, /l/, /s/, /r/) characterized by constriction or closure at one or more points in the breath channel; also: a letter representing a consonant--usu. used in English of any letter except a, e, i, o, and u