Meaning of COSTUME in English

[cos.tume] n [F, fr. It, custom, dress, fr. L consuetudin-, consuetudo custom--more at custom] (1715) 1: the prevailing fashion in coiffure, jewelry, and apparel of a period, country, or class

2: an outfit worn to create the appearance characteristic of a particular period, person, place, or thing "Halloween ~s"

3: a person's ensemble of outer garments; esp: a woman's ensemble of dress with coat or jacket -- cos.tum.ey adj

[2]cos.tume vt cos.tumed ; (1823) 1: to provide with a costume

2: to design costumes for "~ a play" [3]costume adj (1884) 1: characterized by the use of costumes "a ~ ball" "a ~ drama"

2: suitable for or enhancing the effect of a particular costume "a ~ handbag"

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