[cou.lee] n [CanF coulee, fr. F, flowing, flow of lava, fr. couler to flow, fr. OF, fr. L colare to strain, fr. colum sieve] (1807) 1 a: a small stream b: a dry streambed c: a usu. small or shallow ravine: gully
2: a thick sheet or stream of lava
[cou.lee] n [CanF coulee, fr. F, flowing, flow of lava, fr. couler to flow, fr. OF, fr. L colare to strain, fr. colum sieve] (1807) 1 a: a small stream b: a dry streambed c: a usu. small or shallow ravine: gully
2: a thick sheet or stream of lava
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012