Meaning of CRAMP in English

[cramp] n [ME crampe, fr. MF, of Gmc origin; akin to MD crampe; akin to OHG krampf bent] (14c) 1: a painful involuntary spasmodic contraction of a muscle

2: a temporary paralysis of muscles from overuse--compare writer's cramp 3 a: sharp abdominal pain--usu. used in pl. b: persistent and often intense though dull lower abdominal pain associated with dysmenorrhea--usu. used in pl.

[2]cramp n [ME crampe, fr. MD] (15c) 1 a: a usu. iron device bent at the ends and used to hold timbers or blocks of stone together b: clamp

2. a: something that confines: shackle b: the state of being confined [3]cramp vt (15c) 1: to affect with or as if with a cramp or cramps

2. a: confine, restrain "was ~ed in the tiny apartment" b: to restrain from free expression--used esp. in the phrase cramp one's style

3: to turn (the front wheels of a vehicle) to right or left

4: to fasten or hold with a cramp ~ vi: to suffer from cramps [4]cramp adj (1674) 1: hard to understand or figure out "~ law terms" "~ handwriting"

2: being cramped "a ~ corner"

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