[crimp] vt [D or LG krimpen to shrivel; akin to MD crampe hook, cramp] (1712) 1: to cause to become wavy, bent, or pinched: as a: to form (leather) into a desired shape b: to give (synthetic fibers) a curl or wave like that of natural fibers c: to pinch or press together (as the margins of a pie crust) in order to seal
2: to be an inhibiting or restraining influence on: cramp "sales had been ~ed by credit controls --Time" -- crimp.er n
[2]crimp n (1863) 1: something produced by or as if by crimping: as a: a section of hair artificially waved or curled b: a succession of waves (as in wool fiber) c: a bend or crease formed in something
2: something that cramps or inhibits: restraint, curb [3]crimp n [perh. fr. [1]crimp] (1758): a person who entraps or forces men into shipping as sailors or into enlisting in an army or navy [4]crimp vt (1812): to trap into military or sea service: impress