Meaning of CRISP in English

[crisp] adj [ME, fr. OE, fr. L crispus; akin to W crych curly] (bef. 12c) 1: curly, wavy; also: having close stiff or wiry curls or waves

2. a: easily crumbled: brittle b: being desirably firm and fresh "~ lettuce" 3 a: being sharp, clean-cut, and clear "a ~ illustration"; also: concise and to the point "a ~ reply" b: noticeably neat "~ new clothes" c: brisk, lively "a ~ tale of intrigue" "~ musical tempi" d: frosty, snappy "~ winter weather"; also: fresh, invigorating "~ autumn air" "a ~ white wine" syn see fragile -- adv -- crisp.ness n

[2]crisp vt (14c) 1: curl, crimp

2: to cause to ripple: wrinkle

3: to make or keep crisp ~ vi 1: curl

2: ripple

3: to become crisp [3]crisp n (14c) 1 a: something crisp or brittle "burned to a ~" b chiefly Brit: potato chip--usu. used in pl.

2: a baked dessert of fruit with crumb topping "apple ~"

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