[crush] vb [ME crusshen, fr. MF cruisir, of Gmc origin; akin to MLG krossen to crush] vt (15c) 1 a: to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure b: to squeeze together into a mass
2: hug, embrace
3: to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding
4. a: to suppress or overwhelm as if by pressure or weight b: to oppress or burden grievously c: to subdue completely
5: crowd, push
6. archaic: drink ~ vi 1 obs: crash
2: to become crushed
3: to advance with or as if with crushing -- crush.able adj -- crush.er n -- crush.ing.ly adv
[2]crush n (1599) 1: an act of crushing
2: the quantity of material crushed 3 a: a crowding together (as of people or traffic) b: crowd, mob; esp: a crowd of people pressing against one another
4: an intense and usu. passing infatuation "have a ~ on someone"; also: the object of infatuation syn see crowd -- crush.proof adj