Meaning of CUFF in English

[cuff] n [ME coffe, cuffe mitten] (1522) 1: something (as a part of a sleeve or glove) encircling the wrist

2: the turned-back hem of a trouser leg 3 a: handcuff--usu. used in pl. b: a usu. wide metal band worn as a bracelet

4: an inflatable band that is wrapped around an extremity to control the flow of blood through the part when recording blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer -- cuff.less adj -- off the cuff : without preparation: ad lib -- on the cuff : on credit

[2]cuff vt (1693) 1: to furnish with a cuff

2: handcuff [3]cuff vb [perh. fr. obs. E, glove, fr. ME] vt (1530): to strike esp. with or as if with the palm of the hand: buffet ~ vi: fight, scuffle [4]cuff n (1570): a blow with the hand esp. when open: slap

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