Meaning of DESIRE in English

[de.sire] vb de.sired ; [ME, fr. OF desirer, fr. L desiderare, fr. de- + sider-, sidus heavenly body] vt (13c) 1: to long or hope for: exhibit or feel desire for

2. a: to express a wish for: request b archaic: to express a wish to: ask 3 obs: invite

4. archaic: to feel the loss of ~ vi: to have or feel desire syn desire, wish, want, crave, covet mean to have a longing for. desire stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or aim "desires to start a new life". wish sometimes implies a general or transient longing esp. for the unattainable "wishes for permanent world peace". want specif. suggests a felt need or lack "wants to have a family". crave stresses the force of physical appetite or emotional need "craves sweets". covet implies strong envious desire "covets his rise to fame".

[2]desire n (14c) 1: conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment

2. a: longing, craving b: sexual urge or appetite

3: a usu. formal request or petition for some action

4: something desired

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