Meaning of DESPISE in English

[de.spise] vt de.spised ; [ME, fr. OF despis-, stem of despire, fr. L despicere, fr. de- + specere to look--more at spy] (14c) 1: to look down on with contempt or aversion "despised the weak"

2: to regard as negligible, worthless, or distasteful -- de.spise.ment n -- n syn despise, contemn, scorn, disdain mean to regard as unworthy of one's notice or consideration. despise may suggest an emotional response ranging from strong dislike to loathing "despises cowards". contemn implies a vehement condemnation of a person or thing as low, vile, feeble, or ignominious "contemns the image of women promoted by advertisers". scorn implies a ready or indignant contempt "scorns the very thought of retirement". disdain implies an arrogant or supercilious aversion to what is regarded as unworthy "disdained popular music".

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