[det.ri.ment] n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L detrimentum, fr. deterere to wear away, impair, fr. de- + terere to rub--more at throw] (15c) 1: injury, damage "did hard work without ~ to his health"
2: a cause of injury or damage "a ~ to progress"
[det.ri.ment] n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L detrimentum, fr. deterere to wear away, impair, fr. de- + terere to rub--more at throw] (15c) 1: injury, damage "did hard work without ~ to his health"
2: a cause of injury or damage "a ~ to progress"
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012