[drab] n [origin unknown] (ca. 1515) 1: slattern
2: prostitute
[2]drab vi drabbed ; drab.bing (1602): to associate with prostitutes [3]drab n [MF drap cloth, fr. LL drappus] (1541) 1: any of various cloths of a dull brown or gray color
2. a: a light olive brown b: a dull, lifeless, or faded appearance or quality [4]drab adj drab.ber ; drab.best (1686) 1 a: of the dull brown color of drab b: of the color drab
2: characterized by dullness and monotony: cheerless -- drab.ly adv -- drab.ness n [5]drab n [prob. alter. of drib] (1828): a small amount--usu. used in the phrase dribs and drabs