[dud] n [ME dudde] (1567) 1 pl a: clothing b: personal belongings
2. a: one that is ineffectual; also: failure "a box-office ~" b: misfit
3: a bomb or missile that fails to explode
[2]dud adj (1903): of little or no worth: valueless "~ checks"
[dud] n [ME dudde] (1567) 1 pl a: clothing b: personal belongings
2. a: one that is ineffectual; also: failure "a box-office ~" b: misfit
3: a bomb or missile that fails to explode
[2]dud adj (1903): of little or no worth: valueless "~ checks"
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012