Meaning of EAGER in English

[ea.ger] adj [ME egre, fr. MF aigre, fr. L acer--more at edge] (14c) 1 a archaic: sharp b obs: sour

2: marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest -- ea.ger.ly adv -- ea.ger.ness n syn eager, avid, keen, anxious, athirst mean moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest. eager implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint "eager to get started". avid adds to eager the implication of insatiability or greed "avid for new thrills". keen suggests intensity of interest and quick responsiveness in action "keen on the latest fashions". anxious emphasizes fear of frustration or failure or disappointment "anxious not to make a social blunder". athirst stresses yearning but not necessarily readiness for action "athirst for adventure".

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