[en.am.or] vt -ored ; -or.ing [ME enamouren, fr. MF enamourer, fr. en- + amour love--more at amour] (14c) 1: to inflame with love--usu. used in the passive with of
2: fascinate 2b--usu. used in the passive with of or with
[en.am.or] vt -ored ; -or.ing [ME enamouren, fr. MF enamourer, fr. en- + amour love--more at amour] (14c) 1: to inflame with love--usu. used in the passive with of
2: fascinate 2b--usu. used in the passive with of or with
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012