[en.co.mi.um] n, pl -mi.ums or -mia [L, fr. Gk enkomion, fr. en in + komos revel, celebration] (1589): glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise; also: an expression of this syn encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, citation mean a formal expression of praise. encomium implies enthusiasm and warmth in praising a person or a thing. eulogy applies to a prepared speech or writing extolling the virtues and services of a person. panegyric suggests an elaborate often poetic compliment. tribute implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act. citation applies to the formal praise accompanying the mention of a person in a military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree.
Meaning of ENCOMIUM in English
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012