Meaning of ERECT in English

[erect] adj [ME, fr. L erectus, pp. of erigere to erect, fr. e- + regere to lead straight, guide--more at right] (14c) 1 a: vertical in position; also: not spread out or decumbent "an ~ plant stem" b: standing up or out from the body "~ hairs" c: characterized by firm or rigid straightness in bodily posture "an ~ bearing"

2. archaic: directed upward 3 obs: alert, watchful

4: being in a state of physiological erection -- adv -- erect.ness n

[2]erect vt (15c) 1 a (1): to put up by the fitting together of materials or parts: build (2): to fix in an upright position (3): to cause to stand up or stand out b archaic: to direct upward c: to change (an image) from an inverted to a normal position

2: to elevate in status

3: set up, establish

4. obs: encourage, embolden

5: to draw or construct (as a perpendicular or figure) upon a given base -- adj

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