Meaning of ESTRANGE in English

[es.trange] vt es.tranged ; [ME, fr. MF estranger, fr. ML extraneare, fr. L extraneus strange--more at strange] (15c) 1: to remove from customary environment or associations

2: to arouse esp. mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness: alienate -- es.trange.ment n -- n syn estrange, alienate, disaffect mean to cause one to break a bond of affection or loyalty. estrange implies the development of indifference or hostility with consequent separation or divorcement "his estranged wife". alienate may or may not suggest separation but always implies loss of affection or interest "managed to alienate all his coworkers". disaffect refers esp. to those from whom loyalty is expected and stresses the effects (as rebellion or discontent) of alienation without actual separation "conservatives were disaffected by the new tax".

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