[fang] n [ME, that which is taken, fr. OE; akin to OHG fang seizure, OE fon to seize--more at pact] (1555) 1 a: a long sharp tooth: as (1): one by which an animal's prey is seized and held or torn (2): one of the long hollow or grooved and often erectile teeth of a venomous snake b: one of the chelicerae of a spider at the tip of which a poison gland opens
2: the root of a tooth or one of the processes or prongs into which a root divides
3: a projecting tooth or prong -- fanged adj Fang also Fan n, pl Fang or Fangs also Fan or Fans (1861) 1: a member of a Bantu-speaking people of northern Gabon, mainland Equatorial Guinea, and southern Cameroon
2: the language of the Fang people