[fla.vor] n [ME, fr. MF flaor, flavor, fr. (assumed) VL flator, alter. of L flatus breath, act of blowing--more at flatulent] (14c) 1 a archaic: odor, fragrance b: the quality of something that affects the sense of taste c: the blend of taste and smell sensations evoked by a substance in the mouth "the ~ of apples"
2: a substance that flavors "artificial ~s"
3: characteristic or predominant quality "the ethnic ~ of a neighborhood"
4. a: variety 3a b: a property that distinguishes different types of elementary particles (as quarks and neutrinos); also: any of the different types of particles that are distinguished by flavor -- fla.vored adj -- fla.vor.ful adj -- fla.vor.ful.ly adv -- fla.vor.less adj -- fla.vor.some adj
[2]flavor vt fla.vored ; fla.vor.ing (1542): to give or add flavor to