Meaning of FRY in English

[fry] vb fried ; [ME frien, fr. OF frire, fr. L frigere to roast; akin to Gk phrygein to roast, fry, Skt bhrjjati he roasts] vt (13c): to cook in a pan or on a griddle over heat esp. with the use of fat ~ vi 1: to undergo frying

2: to get very hot or burn as if being fried "bodies ~ing on the beach"

[2]fry n, pl fries (1833) 1: a social gathering or picnic where food is fried and eaten "a fish ~"

2. a: a dish of something fried b: french fry--usu. used in pl. [3]fry n, pl fry [ME, prob. fr. ONF fri, fr. OF frier, froyer to rub, spawn--more at fray] (14c) 1 a: recently hatched or juvenile fishes b: the young of other animals

2: very small adult fishes

3: members of a group or class: individuals "small ~" "a great part of the earth is peopled with these ~ --Katherine Mansfield"

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